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Scam Recovery

Refund Calculator

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

A Refund Calculator is a user-friendly online tool, which helps you in calculating your refund amount based on your information

Less than 5000$
  • Less than 5000$
  • More than 5000$
  • USD
  • CAD
  • AUD
  • EUR
  • Country code
  • AF +93
  • AX +358
  • AL +355
  • DZ +213
  • AS +1684
  • AD +376
  • AO +244
  • AI +1264
  • AQ +672
  • AG +1268
  • AR +54
  • AM +374
  • AW +297
  • AU +61
  • AT +43
  • AZ +994
  • BS +1242
  • BH +973
  • BD +880
  • BB +1246
  • BY +375
  • BE +32
  • BZ +501
  • BJ +229
  • BM +1441
  • BT +975
  • BO +591
  • BQ +5997
  • BA +387
  • BW +267
  • BV +
  • BR +55
  • IO +246
  • UM +
  • VG +1284
  • VI +1 340
  • BN +673
  • BG +359
  • BF +226
  • BI +257
  • KH +855
  • CM +237
  • CA +1
  • CV +238
  • KY +1345
  • CF +236
  • TD +235
  • CL +56
  • CN +86
  • CX +61
  • CC +61
  • CO +57
  • KM +269
  • CG +242
  • CD +243
  • CK +682
  • CR +506
  • HR +385
  • CU +53
  • CW +599
  • CY +357
  • CZ+420
  • DK +45
  • DJ +253
  • DM +1767
  • DO +1809
  • EC +593
  • EG +20
  • SV +503
  • GQ +240
  • ER +291
  • EE +372
  • ET +251
  • FK +500
  • FO +298
  • FJ +679
  • FI +358
  • FR +33
  • GF +594
  • PF +689
  • TF +
  • GA +241
  • GM +220
  • GE +995
  • DE +49
  • GH +233
  • GI +350
  • GR +30
  • GL +299
  • GD +1473
  • GP +590
  • GU +1671
  • GT +502
  • GG +44
  • GN +224
  • GW +245
  • GY +592
  • HT +509
  • HM +
  • VA +379
  • HN +504
  • HK +852
  • HU +36
  • IS +354
  • IN +91
  • ID +62
  • CI +225
  • IR +98
  • IQ +964
  • IE +353
  • IM +44
  • IL +972
  • IT +39
  • JM +1876
  • JP +81
  • JE +44
  • JO +962
  • KZ +76
  • KE +254
  • KI +686
  • KW +965
  • KG +996
  • LA +856
  • LV +371
  • LB +961
  • LS +266
  • LR +231
  • LY +218
  • LI +423
  • LT +370
  • LU +352
  • MO +853
  • MK +389
  • MG +261
  • MW +265
  • MY +60
  • MV +960
  • ML +223
  • MT +356
  • MH +692
  • MQ +596
  • MR +222
  • MU +230
  • YT +262
  • MX +52
  • FM +691
  • MD +373
  • MC +377
  • MN +976
  • ME +382
  • MS +1664
  • MA +212
  • MZ +258
  • MM +95
  • NA +264
  • NR +674
  • NP +977
  • NL +31
  • NC +687
  • NZ +64
  • NI +505
  • NE +227
  • NG +234
  • NU +683
  • NF +672
  • KP +850
  • MP +1670
  • NO +47
  • OM +968
  • PK +92
  • PW +680
  • PS +970
  • PA +507
  • PG +675
  • PY +595
  • PE +51
  • PH +63
  • PN +64
  • PL +48
  • PT +351
  • PR +1787
  • QA +974
  • XK +383
  • RE +262
  • RO +40
  • RU +7
  • RW +250
  • BL +590
  • SH +290
  • KN +1869
  • LC +1758
  • MF +590
  • PM +508
  • VC +1784
  • WS +685
  • SM +378
  • ST +239
  • SA +966
  • SN +221
  • RS +381
  • SC +248
  • SL +232
  • SG +65
  • SX +1721
  • SK +421
  • SI +386
  • SB +677
  • SO +252
  • ZA +27
  • GS +500
  • KR +82
  • SS +211
  • ES +34
  • LK +94
  • SD +249
  • SR +597
  • SJ +4779
  • SZ +268
  • SE +46
  • CH +41
  • SY +963
  • TW +886
  • TJ +992
  • TZ +255
  • TH +66
  • TL +670
  • TG +228
  • TK +690
  • TO +676
  • TT +1868
  • TN +216
  • TR +90
  • TM +993
  • TC +1649
  • TV +688
  • UG +256
  • UA +380
  • AE +971
  • GB +44
  • US +1
  • UY +598
  • UZ +998
  • VU +678
  • VE +58
  • VN +84
  • WF +681
  • EH +212
  • YE +967
  • ZM +260
  • ZW +263
Jens Hahne
Received 35,000 EUR 5th April,2023
Sarah Inauen
Received 5,400 EUR 26th March,2023
Sylvia Klein
Received 10,994 EUR 13th February 2023
Richard Kilby
Received 8,092 CAD 3rd February 2023
Shibi Benny
Received 11,700 USD 9th March 2023
Richard Metcalfe
Received 2,282 CAD 4th April 2023
Sarah G
Received 17,000 GBP 15th January 2023
Received 17,000 GBP 11th December 2022
Received 20,000 EUR 3rd December 2022
Henriette C Jade
Received 5,300 EUR 1st April 2023
Jens Hahne
Received 35,000 EUR 2nd February 2023
Sarah Inauen
Received 5,400 EUR 7th January 2023
Sylvia Klein
Received 10,994 EUR 13th Novenmber 2022
Richard Kilby
Received 8,092 CAD 19th March 2023
Shibi Benny
Received 11,700 USD 15th January 2023
Richard Metcalfe
Received 2,282 CAD 4th December 2022
Sarah G
Received 17,000 GBP 15th January 2023
Received 17,000 GBP 23rd March 2023
Received 20,000 EUR 22nd January 2023
Henriette C Jade
Received 5,300 EUR 31st March 2023
Jens Hahne
Received 35,000 EUR 29th February 2023
Sarah Inauen
Received 5,400 EUR 12th March 2023
Sylvia Klein
Received 10,994 EUR 26th March 2023
Richard Kilby
Received 8,092 CAD 20th February 2023
Shibi Benny
Received 11,700 USD 25th January 2023
Richard Metcalfe
Received 2,282 CAD 9th January 2023
Sarah G
Received 17,000 GBP 15th Novenber 2022
Received 17,000 GBP 17th March 2023
Received 20,000 EUR 23rd January 2023
Henriette C Jade
Received 5,300 EUR 3rd April 2023

Claim Capital


Scam Recovery
Scam Recovery

You are not alone!

If you find yourself becoming a victim of online fraud, you are not alone; millions of people worldwide are stuck facing this very same and typically overwhelming predicament. Many individuals get discouraged when facing fraud, due to its burdensome nature, thinking that there is nothing to be done, feeling ashamed, frustrated and not knowing where to turn. We at Claim Capital are here to let you know that you are not alone. Our expertise in the field of online trading scams and many other types of online fraud has helped thousands worldwide in recuperating their lost funds, bringing these perpetrators to justice and returning stolen wealth to their rightful owners.

How does it work?

1 step

We Will Review Your Claim

2 step

Help You Collect the Necessary Evidence

3 step
Approach the Companies Together
4 step
Claim Your Money Back
Dollars refunded
Scam Recovery


We are all over the world

Scam Recovery









Hong Kong






New Zealand












United Arab Emirates

Types of scams

Binary Options Scams

Forex Trading Scams

Cryptocurrency Scams

Other Types of Online Scams

Scam Recovery

Binary Options Scams

These days, binary options investments which can also be referred to as cash-or-nothing investments typically pay off nothing at all or a fixed monetary amount. Unfortunately, much of the binary trading market is fraudulent & unregulated, meaning that, unbeknownst to investors, it’s impossible to make a profit and there is zero compensation at the end of the road. Furthermore, there are binary options’ brokers that tell investors their money goes into a segregated bank account when in reality no such account exists, and the money goes into the brokers’ accounts which are normally far away in a tax haven country. Those who wish to withdraw their money always end up running into a stone wall, and unfortunately discover that it is gone for good.

Scam Recovery

Forex Trading Scams

Foreign Exchange (Forex, FX, or currency market) trading has become a popular and attractive way to invest money in the market. The Forex market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices.

Fraudulent Forex agencies use people’s lack of experience in online trading and promise them a high profit with very low or non-existent risk (risk free trading). As a result, people are tempted to give away their money without realizing that their chances of gaining the profits that they were promised are zero. All this together with the bulldozer-like attitude of Forex trading brokers makes these types of scams one of the most prolific financial frauds in recent history

Scam Recovery

Cryptocurrency Scams

In 2018, Cryptocurrency scams totaled $1.7 billion in loses for people who were enticed to invest in in these types of online currencies. The unparalleled success of Bitcoin resulted in the formation of other cryptocurrencies and crypto wallets, which naturally caused people to invest in online coins. The most common Cryptocurrency scam is a Ponzi scheme – “old” investors in Cryptocurrency get money when new investors purchase virtual currencies. In essence, there is no profit whatsoever, money gets moved around between investors and the profits are close to none.

Scam Recovery

Other Types of Online Scams

Aside from Forex, Binary Options, and Cryptocurrency scams, there are other common types of online frauds that target anyone they can; online dating/romance scams, for example, are very common and typically targets women around the world; many women have fallen victim to men who depicted themselves as single and willing to be in a relationship.

Once they got their victims’ comfortable and trusting, the men who performed the scams asked large sums of money for supposed emergencies, cheating women out of thousands of dollars. The widespread fraud does not usually result in lawsuits due to the victims feel ashamed that they have been duped and left heartbroken by their scammers.

Scam Recovery

You’re one call away from registering a claim

The world of online fraud is widespread, trapping millions of new victims every year. If you happen to be one of them, then by contacting Claim Capital, you will be taking your very first steps in the fight to retrieve your lost wealth, and by doing so you will in effect be helping others as well, as we continue to build our database to discover more & more fraudulent websites and organizations who scam and steal from their users.

Your money back guarantee

Scam Recovery

Recovering funds is a complex procedure. The time necessary to complete the refund process may vary depending on the circumstances.

Therefore, it's important to trust us along the way, and know that we're doing our best to help.

If you have any doubts whatsoever, you can request a refund within first 14 days. We appreciate your opinion.*

Scam Recovery


Scam Recovery
Scam Recovery
Scam Recovery

Got scammed online ?

Thanks to our past experience and panel of experts, backed by a database of known online scams, we are able to provide our services in order to help our customers retrieve their lost funds. We are here for each and everyone of you who have fallen victim to any sort of online scam. Our team is ready to track down your money, no matter how dire the situation may seem, and get you back what is rightfully yours.

Scam Recovery
Refund calculator