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Scam Recovery

Refund Calculator

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

A Refund Calculator is a user-friendly online tool, which helps you in calculating your refund amount based on your information

Less than 5000$
  • Less than 5000$
  • More than 5000$
  • USD
  • CAD
  • AUD
  • EUR
  • Country code
  • AF +93
  • AX +358
  • AL +355
  • DZ +213
  • AS +1684
  • AD +376
  • AO +244
  • AI +1264
  • AQ +672
  • AG +1268
  • AR +54
  • AM +374
  • AW +297
  • AU +61
  • AT +43
  • AZ +994
  • BS +1242
  • BH +973
  • BD +880
  • BB +1246
  • BY +375
  • BE +32
  • BZ +501
  • BJ +229
  • BM +1441
  • BT +975
  • BO +591
  • BQ +5997
  • BA +387
  • BW +267
  • BV +
  • BR +55
  • IO +246
  • UM +
  • VG +1284
  • VI +1 340
  • BN +673
  • BG +359
  • BF +226
  • BI +257
  • KH +855
  • CM +237
  • CA +1
  • CV +238
  • KY +1345
  • CF +236
  • TD +235
  • CL +56
  • CN +86
  • CX +61
  • CC +61
  • CO +57
  • KM +269
  • CG +242
  • CD +243
  • CK +682
  • CR +506
  • HR +385
  • CU +53
  • CW +599
  • CY +357
  • CZ+420
  • DK +45
  • DJ +253
  • DM +1767
  • DO +1809
  • EC +593
  • EG +20
  • SV +503
  • GQ +240
  • ER +291
  • EE +372
  • ET +251
  • FK +500
  • FO +298
  • FJ +679
  • FI +358
  • FR +33
  • GF +594
  • PF +689
  • TF +
  • GA +241
  • GM +220
  • GE +995
  • DE +49
  • GH +233
  • GI +350
  • GR +30
  • GL +299
  • GD +1473
  • GP +590
  • GU +1671
  • GT +502
  • GG +44
  • GN +224
  • GW +245
  • GY +592
  • HT +509
  • HM +
  • VA +379
  • HN +504
  • HK +852
  • HU +36
  • IS +354
  • IN +91
  • ID +62
  • CI +225
  • IR +98
  • IQ +964
  • IE +353
  • IM +44
  • IL +972
  • IT +39
  • JM +1876
  • JP +81
  • JE +44
  • JO +962
  • KZ +76
  • KE +254
  • KI +686
  • KW +965
  • KG +996
  • LA +856
  • LV +371
  • LB +961
  • LS +266
  • LR +231
  • LY +218
  • LI +423
  • LT +370
  • LU +352
  • MO +853
  • MK +389
  • MG +261
  • MW +265
  • MY +60
  • MV +960
  • ML +223
  • MT +356
  • MH +692
  • MQ +596
  • MR +222
  • MU +230
  • YT +262
  • MX +52
  • FM +691
  • MD +373
  • MC +377
  • MN +976
  • ME +382
  • MS +1664
  • MA +212
  • MZ +258
  • MM +95
  • NA +264
  • NR +674
  • NP +977
  • NL +31
  • NC +687
  • NZ +64
  • NI +505
  • NE +227
  • NG +234
  • NU +683
  • NF +672
  • KP +850
  • MP +1670
  • NO +47
  • OM +968
  • PK +92
  • PW +680
  • PS +970
  • PA +507
  • PG +675
  • PY +595
  • PE +51
  • PH +63
  • PN +64
  • PL +48
  • PT +351
  • PR +1787
  • QA +974
  • XK +383
  • RE +262
  • RO +40
  • RU +7
  • RW +250
  • BL +590
  • SH +290
  • KN +1869
  • LC +1758
  • MF +590
  • PM +508
  • VC +1784
  • WS +685
  • SM +378
  • ST +239
  • SA +966
  • SN +221
  • RS +381
  • SC +248
  • SL +232
  • SG +65
  • SX +1721
  • SK +421
  • SI +386
  • SB +677
  • SO +252
  • ZA +27
  • GS +500
  • KR +82
  • SS +211
  • ES +34
  • LK +94
  • SD +249
  • SR +597
  • SJ +4779
  • SZ +268
  • SE +46
  • CH +41
  • SY +963
  • TW +886
  • TJ +992
  • TZ +255
  • TH +66
  • TL +670
  • TG +228
  • TK +690
  • TO +676
  • TT +1868
  • TN +216
  • TR +90
  • TM +993
  • TC +1649
  • TV +688
  • UG +256
  • UA +380
  • AE +971
  • GB +44
  • US +1
  • UY +598
  • UZ +998
  • VU +678
  • VE +58
  • VN +84
  • WF +681
  • EH +212
  • YE +967
  • ZM +260
  • ZW +263

About us

Claim Capital specializes in the recovery of assets that were lost as a result of online financial fraud.

Online trading has become increasingly popular in the past several years, with millions of individuals worldwide choosing to invest their hard-earned money. The boom in online trading is a direct result of digitization of the markets, which effectively opened the door to millions of inexperienced people across the globe, who suddenly find themselves with access to these financial tools that claim to offer them easy and simple ways to invest their money, while on the same note, also exposing them to fraudulent practices such as Binary Options, CFD, Forex and Cryptocurrency scams. This world of online trading has effectively become a breeding ground for scammers and fraudsters who promise large monetary compensation and success, using the spread of misinformation and high pressure sales tactics to actively and knowingly steal from their unsuspecting victims, forcing them down a rabbit hole of shame and frustration.

Scam Recovery


Until fairly recently, those who lost money in Forex, Binary Options, CFD and other types of investment fraud didn’t have the necessary information or tools to help them retrieve their funds, but that is no longer the case; Claim Capital specializes in the recovery of assets that were lost as the result of online financial fraud.


What is a chargeback?

A chargeback is the process which allows you to retroactively cancel a credit/debit card transaction. The process begins the moment a request is filed with the bank that issued you the card.

I authorized these transactions weeks/months/years ago, is it still possible to do a chargeback?

Visa® and Mastercard® guarantee that you can apply for a chargeback at any time within 120 days from the date of the transaction. Under certain conditions, that period can be extended to up to 540 days. In certain jurisdictions, the law provides you with even more time. As time passes by, it typically becomes more and more difficult to trace your lost funds. Fraudulent companies tend to declare bankruptcy or go defunct in order to avoid paying back stolen funds, only to come back afterwards under a different name. However, as mentioned above, there is no specific time frame in which the task becomes unworkable. There have been people who managed to recover their funds several years after the fraudulent transaction occurred. As part of our free consultation, we will determine & advise you on how probable it is to trace back your money and successfully perform a chargeback.

If I authorized these transactions in the first place, won’t the bank hold me responsible for them?

No. Any authorized transaction must result in you receiving the service that you were promised. These fraudulent companies do not engage in truthful practices. Even if the company followed their obligation to you, it must also meet specific regulatory obligations in order for the transaction to be considered legally binding. Most of these unregulated scam companies aren’t able to justify their practices, therefore making all such transactions illegal and open for dispute.

Why should I go with Claim Capital and not pursue this on my own?

When attempting to perform a chargeback, you must be able to provide all the necessary information which isn’t generally requested from you by the bank, while at the same time adhering to the guidelines and requirements of your specific banking institution. Furthermore, you normally only get one attempt to properly dispute a charge. Our experts at Claim Capital specialize in building and representing our clients at the highest and most professional level necessary to get your chargeback approved. We know the specifics which maximize your chances of success and have an array of tools at our disposable which isn’t typically available to those who aren’t familiar with how this process works.

What are the chances of successfully recovering my funds?

That all depends on specific details of your case, as every situation is unique. Following your free consultation we will provide you with our preliminary assessment, which includes your likelihood of success. Claim Capital will never instill false hopes in our potential clients. If we believe that you have a case with a high probability of success, we will provide you with all of the available recovery options, and when we take on a case, we guarantee to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of recovering what is rightfully yours.

Scam Recovery

Got scammed online ?

Thanks to our past experience and panel of experts, backed by a database of known online scams, we are able to provide our services in order to help our customers retrieve their lost funds. We are here for each and everyone of you who have fallen victim to any sort of online scam. Our team is ready to track down your money, no matter how dire the situation may seem, and get you back what is rightfully yours.

Scam Recovery
Refund calculator